Saturday, July 24, 2004

Gonna Live Forever, Knowing Together That We, Did it All, For the Glory of Butt

The Casino is the worst reality show in history. Seriously, I know thats a bold claim, but this show is awful. I will watch nearly anything that has to do with the city of Las Vegas, because I fucking love that town, but this is the exception. Until I had watched 2-3 episodes of The Casino I would have said that I would watch anything about Las Vegas, this show singlehandedly added the nearly to that statement. The basic premise is that some stupid motherfuckers who owned some shitty site bought the Golden Nugget and are trying to run it. What is actually the case is that Fox brings in some lame gamblers every week and follows them around the Casino, some Restaurant-esque personnel problem occurs, and there is some conflict at the high finance management level. That is the formula, which could be overcome if there were any decent personalities, filming or plotline. Even shows like The Restaurant have some sort of goal, the conflicts and the challenges. This is just a "everyday casino operation" thing which doesn't interest me at all. If you cannot convince me to watch your Fox reality program, you have just pumped out a big showful of liquid shit.

I don't know why I felt the need to mention that, besides the fact that it really is an awful show. Big Brother 5 on the other hand is turning out to be quite good this season, it has everything that the Casino lacks, talented editors, good storylines, compelling personalities, etc. The biggest rip I have heard in the media was that the show is obviously faked, not simply reality, this is true of course, but the storylines are no more written here than they are in Big Brother (project DNA for instance). The problem is simply one of quality rather than reality. I haven't really watched any of the previous Big Brother households, but if they were all this intriguing I admit that my previous critiques were wrong. If I had to go on a reality show, it would be this one. I like all the kinks of Survivor and The Amazing Race and stuff, but the whole sitting in a house together as the biggest challenge is a good break from the hustle and bustle of the regular TV season. Anyway, since Big Brother appearss to be about a million episodes long, even if you haven't started watching yet I recommend you get on the fucking ball. I mean, its not as good a program as the Amazing Race, but you do get 3 hours of coverage a week.

At work on Thursday there was a blood drive going on at Wal-Mart. This was the only time I had really wished that I wasn't so deathly fucking afraid of needles, because 3 of the people I was working with got to miss like an 1-1 1/2 hours of work each to give blood this afternoon. I mean, I think most of that time was just sitting and waiting to give blood, but still, it was a free hour off. Scott got back about an hour and a half after he left and suggested that I should go back there and do the same. There were apparently spots and I really did consider it for at least a minute or two. I will do almost anything to get out of actually working while on the clock, so that was a huge plus. There is also the obvious fact that its a good thing to give blood. I don't know what my blood type is or if it is one of those which is most in need, but I guess they always need every different type. In high school I was the President of the National Honor Society and we ran the blood drive every year, so I had a fair amount of experience with the procedure. One of the things they talked about was that the blood types which are most common often suffer shortages because they are so in demand, while the least common blood types sometimes have so few donors that they can't keep even the very limited demand covered by O types. Regardless, all these concerns were trumped by the fact that even when I would be getting 10+ dollars for laying on a couch like structure, I would have a fucking needle in my arm for far too much of that time. I mean, you get some juice and cookies afterwards but does that make up for the pain. Some people tried to give mne the old "it doesn't hurt that much" routine, but its not like I've gone since childhood without having a shot, I had one at the dentist last fucking week bastard and it sucked a nut.

I guess I am glad that Wal-Mart would encourage their employees to do such a thing, at least by letting them do it on the clock. It did however make a lot of work for us when they were gone and when they had to take it easy. I do most of the heavy lifting around that place anyway, but even the fairly light weights were off limits for them after Amy's vein popped open upon lifting the paper cartridge off the machine. I didn't see what was occasionally a CSI style blood spurt but its effects were evident. Anyway, that meant that I had to load all the paper, dump all the bins, pick up all the boxes, change all the paper and the waste tanks, etc. At least the business let things go fairly quickly and by the time send out was put away it was already later than 8 and almost time to go home. It sucked somewhat.

Today work was a little easier. While we were still often busy the 10-7shifts always seem to breeze by. You get a couple hours under your belt before the closers even come into the store, you take your lunch in the heart of the afternoon rush, and you are out of there pretty much right after you put away the film. Regardless, I left a little early because I was over on hours. It was lucky that I did, because I ran into the pug dogs next door. I have mentioned before that there are two of them, a black one and a fawn one. Well, I walked over to pet them today and talked to the dude who owns them. They came hopping up towards me in that really cute way that pug dogs do. The black one is a dude named Rocky. He is a good looking black pug dog, but he is overshadowed by Kayla, the fawn girl pug dog who is kinda fat, short and stocky. She is absolutely adorable, pretty much exactly what I would like my pug dog to look like. Anyway, I talked to their owner for a minute and said hello to the pug dogs, which really made me optimistic for the rest of the evening.

That said, I did nothing but catch up with television I have been behind on. I watched some Good Eats and some Fox comedies (Quintuplets is pretty good, some funny lines for Andy Richter and one kid who is pretty hilarious. Simple Life 2 is what it is, and I enjoy that) and the second episode of The 4400. I am going to refrain from commenting on that show until I discover a little more about what is going on, since it could be either really sweet or really formulaic, depending on where they take it. I'm sure that they will reshow all these beginning ones so people can catch up, since apparently the reviews are quite good at this point. Regardless, check it out, USA original programming is really on top of their nut recently.

I don't think my discussion with Katie about pug dogs has convinced her that we should get one yet, but maybe I can take her over to meet Rocky and Kayla to convince her. On the really really bright side, Katie gets back from Wyoming manana and I no longer have to come home to simply an empty couch and a quiet room. Check you.



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