Sunday, May 11, 2003

Love to eat turkey...Love to eat tu-ur-key

And this is very good turkey. Trust me, I am aware that the song is actually referring specifically to Thanksgiving turkey (hence "The Thanksgiving Song") but I don't see why it should be limited to that situation when I am eating a delicious turkey sandwich. I got this really really tasty mesquite-smoked honey turkey at the grocery store. It was a little pricey, but I like it alot better than the standard shaved turkey, which is only like a buck fifty less or something. I make my turkey sandwiches a little bigger than average, I have determined, since I only tend to get a maximum of 5 sandwiches out of a pound. That doesnt really bother me, but I wish I had more and I wish it was cheaper, I will certainly not always be able to justify getting 7 dollar a pound turkey.

Everything is pretty much done in terms of school. I will get up tomorrow morning and hit the Kinkos, drop off the old papers to Gasche, and that will be that. One year of my graduate education is taken care of, about 3 or so to go. The year as a whole was not the greatest, but overall some pretty sweet stuff happened. I fucking loathe Buffalo still, but fuck, I got engaged, I got some decent grades, I enjoyed the wings, I learned alot. Overall, its not bad. I might even say good. Eveything that did not involve me living alone in the abandoned god forsaken wasteland that is Western New York rocked pretty hard core.

Then, I guess, I am just waiting for Wednesday when I can start working or whatever. I suppose that it is still possible that I would be able to go home early, even by Monday, who knows. Even if that doesnt happen I cant be upset about having 2 days entirely off, no work, no school no nuttin. Lovin it.

I think I will have a cheesburger for dinner. Yes, I will. Off to defrost the hamburger, though I probably won't eat it until Simpson's time.



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