Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Got In a Little Hometown Jam, So They Put a Rifle in My Butt

I don't believe I will be going to sleep with absolute knowledge of who the president will be. I have some ideas of course, but I don't think it will be certain. At this point that simply means we haven't been officially ruled out. I am not a particularly optimistic man, but I am not confident that the nation has made the right decision.

I really do wonder how people outside this country perceive the US election system. This seems like something which shouldn't be happening in a country where we have 4-5 24 hour news channels, billions of dollars of cameras and reporters at every fucking polling place in the country. I won't pretend that I have any opinions about foreign politics based on either thorough study or direct experience, I probably know less about them than just about anyone, but the whole idea of not knowing who won an election seems so old school. I don't buy any of the arguments that it makes the country appear weak or indecisive. I don't really even understand the arguments whereby the country needs a quick and apparent winner so as to move on.

The reason I don't understand that is because at the end of this whole situation there is no fucking chance that the country will rally around the winner. I mean no chance at all. Issues like Iraq and the economy break overwhelmingly for Kerry while terrorism (how the fuck you seperate terrorism and Iraq and go a fucking 60 point swing between them is like the fruit of ass to me) and morals break hideously to the right. I don't think we are quite to John Stewart's quips about "election, recount, race war" but the general sentiment is dead on. I think I would probably have to consider it a win if there was some sort of gridlock and compromise, given the alternatives. I don't want to be alarmist and I am not going to predict something specifically bad happening, but I just cannot imgaine that this election will end up being unimportant.

As another question: if we lose this election and actually show some huge youth voter turnout, will this decimate the youth voting movement? I have to speculate that it will. In that world we did pretty much everything possible to increase dominantly liberal groups and still failed to pull it off. For all practical purposes, when Gore lost, I promised myself that I wouldn't vote for the mainstream candidate simply because they had the chance to win. I turned around and broke that rule immediately upon the next presidential election, but I cannot imagine doing it again if the country says yes to four more of Bush. I will have more to say about this later, win or lose.

Did Larry King just skip high school math to drop acid every day or something? Maybe someone needs to hand him Wolf Blitzer's fucking clipboard. I've already memorized every fucking EV count left on the map, this buttfucker can't add three single digit numbers and compare them to 21. At this point I would rather have a dealer from Mystic giving me electoral analysis than this assball. Every eighteen seconds he asks if there is a way we can get to 270 tonight. Dude, no one besides NBC and FOX (who are either going to get mad props or "Dewey Defeats Truman" mockery as a result of this) have changed shit since they called Alaska, did you forget to take your ritalin?

Final note, the Minneapolis Star Tribune has called the all important Rosemount City Council Election. You can go here (` ) and scroll down to Rosemount or check out ({43FA420A-C214-412C-BA4F-A2AB253719E1} ) to see the place by place dominance. Yeah-rah for my dad. I'm sure I will have further analysis of this manana.

Alright, I am going to sleep either in the bed or on the couch, I'll probably drop by with thoughts tomorrow.



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