Thursday, February 10, 2005

Miss A Beat, Lose The Rhythm, and Nothing Falls Into Butt

The WB is currently promoting, during pretty much every commercial break that I saw, both going into and out of the program "A World Premiere Valentine Scooby Event" and while that does serve to differentiate it both from the "Rerun Valentine Scooby Events" and the "World Premiere St. Patrick's Day Scooby Events" I'm not really sure how the whole concept fell together. If you wanna go with a whole stoner love theme or something chure, but that doesn't appear the case. In case you didn't watch the WB New Tuesday you might not be aware of these changes, I thought I should make you so and while I still think you should fucking start watching the Gilmore Girls (sidenote to AJ: though you are still obviously on the Uncle Pervy train for Rory over Lorelie, how hot did she look as Richard's best man? they're trying to make her hair all wavy and full so she can catch up with her mom...) since its really funny.

You take the good you take the bad, you take them both and there you have...the Project Runway Final Three. By that I mean to say that while Jay made the cut fucking Wendy Pepper beat out Austin Scarlett. I like Austin and hate Wendy with the burning passion of a red hot pair of testicles, so it was a bittersweet moment. Really I can't imagine anyone beating out Kara Saun anyway, so Jay essentially won by not going out at this stage. I'm sure that Bravo will have a marathon to catch everyone who didn't get the opportunity to share in Jay's gay-Jesus-ian glory up with the situation before the finale. They like marathons over there, Bravo : Marathons :: Baxter : Mashed Taters .

Tuesday, being Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, Martes Gordo, Phat 2sDei, was the last day before Ash Wednesday, and hence time for a yearly delicious-steak dinner. We made the trip to Outback because Katie enjoys the comfort of the chain rather than the less certain atmosphere of a local joint. That doesn't really bother me, both cuz the Outback is pretty cheap and has a fairly decent porterhouse. The steak is not quite thick enough to be really cooked very-rare, but I still dig it. The whole thing was paid for by a leftover Christmas Visa gift card. Katie had the salmon that Hippo mentioned on her blog the other night. The one thing I will give Outback over and above most chain restaurants is the high quality breadstuffs that begin the meal in earnest. Obviously some quality joints have tastier bread, but a majority of places don't stack up to the pumpernickely goodness.

Did ya ever wonder why they call it Tinseltown? I mean, I haven't been there, but I doubt there is tinsel anywhere. Fuck tinsel anyway.

We are going to Binghamton tomorrow for the old Valentine's weekend debate tournament. It shouldn't be a bad time, though the Saturday schedule is more than a little dangerous. I mean, I can appreciate the necessity of not wanting to make the tournament three days or whatever, but if we're debating until 10:00+ on Saturday and don't leave the tournament until 9:00 on Sunday I don't think I will be very awake for the drive. The tournament has some tacky fundraising items which seem hella high school to me (not things that were hella cool in high school, either) but at the very least many people enjoy it and it raises more than a couple bucks for legit causes.

Alright. Best of the weekend to you all. I will say hey if the chance arises,otherwise rest assured that I will do more than my fair share of chocolate eating from now until Monday-ish. I suggest the lot of you do the same and enjoy the holiday if/when you celebrate it. Hippo says hey. And meow. And Purr. Chweet.



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