Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Got Me A Movie, I Want You to Butt

Look, I have put off commenting on this for a long time. I didn't even see it until way after everyone else had and my guess is that most people here have seen this. Anywho, I should provide it for the people who haven't, because along with Ludacris' "Get Back" and Lindsay Lohan's "Over" it is quickly becoming my favorite song. Once you get addicted and spend half your time on the Internet doing the roof-raising dance in tribeuce to the dude (who, yes has some fucked-up similarities once he tilts his head back) you may want the lyrics and their translation. You may also not care about the lyrics since the best part about this song being in Romanian is that you can do a bunch of crazy make-em-ups and make the song about, for instance Hippo and how she likes to play with fishies or the idea of meowing. You could make it about APK and his proclivities for butt if you wished. The possibilities are endless.

So American Idol this season is interesting. The folks at Fox intelligently realized that the audition episodes do inordinately well in comparison to how hard they are to make and hence are airing like an entire month's worth. A shitload of people have tried to pull this year's William Hung but as of yet no one has been nearly that badly hilarious. The interesting thing has been the tremendous amount of people who are soemwhere between not traditionally attractive and completely butt-lickingly ugly but who, in the epic words of Randy, "can really blow." One dude today looked like he had mild mental disabilities but I could see him getting in the top 10. I forget how much I like American Idol and how fabulous the combo of judges is. There are combinations that just work on TV and Simon, Paula, and Randy are among those combos.

The only other television I will mention at the moment is Medium, which is a decent program. I think of it in much the same light as the show that immediately precedes it, Las Vegas. By that I mean that both are decent programs, both in their stand alone episodes and their overall plotlines. I wouldn't be upset if I missed either of them, but as long as they are on they will make my tivo. Medium has a tremendous amount of potential, since every episode opens with a dream. They could use those dreams in the style of Six Feet Under, but I can't expect every series to measure up to HBO Original Programming. Instead they would fit in with a serious moment on Two and Half Men or something. The show doesn't really explore much of the implications of her psychicness, though this week's episode had a moment very much reminiscient of the Oracle in the original Matrix. Its really just a decent regular cop-show with a psychic, though its fun to see how the dream's manifest in the context of the show. The true test of good mystery television is entirely lacking (there are no moments like occur with Locke on Lost for instance) but if you aren't a CSI: Miami fan or need something else to fill the lack of Monday Night Football its worth giving Patricia Arquette a try.

I need some new blogs to read by the way. I've got a number of good ones, but some of the folks I used to count on quit the biz in the past several months. I mean, I can just randomly select people's blogs but it does little for me. I don't have Katie's fascination with reading blogs simply for the voyeuristic qualities, I prefer stories I can follow in some sense, i.e. I have at least some tangential connection to. I read some high school debate kids blogs, both because I somewhat know them and because I have reference to their subculture. I could write an ethnography about them, probably better than the fake ethnography I wrote about ska culture my senior year. I don't know if that was a better acheivement than the fake quotes I made up from Joe and Cort for my American Studies paper when I was a sophomore. I wonder if those teachers paid enough attention to those term papers to find it odd that like 5-7 debaters cited two Minneapolis attorneys and "foreign relations experts" for their interview subjects.

A related story I don't think I've mentioned. In 10th grade district 196 "randomly" selects 3-5 English classrooms to participate in a writing sample thing to grade the district's overall composition abilities. I put randomly in quotes because what they actually do is select 2-3 random classes and then the two specialized-track English classes to artificially jack the scores, at least thats what they did at good old RHS. So anyway, the day we were to do these little writing things the teachers sat down and had a little conversation with us about how important they were for the school and the district and shit. We weren't the most respectful kids in the world around 10th grade so a bunch of us decided that, besides each choosing assinine ways to answer the potentially more assinine question "What was the most disappointing moment of your life?" we would each put my name into the essay somewhere. We were specifically told to not put our own names on them so as to prevent cheating or some nonsense, so we decided that got us around it. Corcoran wrote his about a track practice where I used to physically beat him, Ruiz indicated that when I lost the tiebreaker-game to Deep Blue he almost never recovered, and a number of others were fanstastic as well. Mine described the disappointment I felt when Nixon lost the 1960 election to Kennedy. Regardless, about a month later the whole class got a firm what's-for from Chazbo (Chuck Hokkannen) when the district flipped out that their ringers' scores were actually well below those of the regular classes. The readers also asked who the hell this "Baxter" person was, which did give Chazbo some hint as to who may have been responsible for the scores, not that he thought Jamie Tschida was screwing around on the assignment, but still. Good times.

Kurt on the Gilmore Girls tonight mentioned that the breakfeast buffet had "bagels and a variety of shmear." That is my new favorite phrase, all spreadable sauces are officially dubbed shmear from now on. I might have toast with peanutty shmear tomorrow. I could make a chocolate cake with a cream-cheese shmear. My shmearing life has just begun, I have alot of catching up to do.




Anonymous said...

I suggest reading grad student's blogs. I have found some from people in my department and they alwasy seem to be pretty entertaining. Also, maybe try looking at the winners of the "Best in Blogs" contest because many of those are sequential and awesome. What are the sites for the HS debate ones though? I would also vote for www.blurty.com/users/hippo to be started. I would be a strong, strong supporter of that move actually. It would be sweet, particularly is photos were included, and if Hippo overed her views on the critique Laclau offers of immanence. If after said dissection, there was a pic of Hippo in glasses looking profesorial, I might devote all of my free time solely to reading that blog.
Finally, in TV viewing, have you seen Project Runway. 12 wanna be designers and Heidi Klum -- it is fantastic.


Anonymous said...

i would check out dooce's blog. its virtually famous now....but she writes some great stuff, and you can go back almost two years and find it entertaining. something to do if you ever get bored.
