Monday, June 30, 2003

Bloggedy Blog Blog Blog

So here is the thing. I don't know much about internet ettiquette, what the hip folks, I am told, call "nettiquette." My internet question of the moment concerns the blog itself, the online journal, the livejournal, the blurty, etc. So I read a couple of other people's blogs and they tend to be pretty interesting. I discuss entries in my own and other peoples thingies with them through both online and real formats. Is it, however, considered okay for me to refer to other people's entries in my own entries.

This question comes up in response to Pete's blog, which I believe has an excellent discussion of Liz Phair today. I will add a link to it at some point here, ah, here we go I wish I could get that to show up as a link, but I probably can't. I would go off on my usual rant concerning artists selling out, but I have already done that on this page, see the first page.

I could never have produced the analysis which Pete does, largely because I don't know whether or not Liz Phair is a decent musician or not. But I can definately say a couple things:

1) Liz Phair is HOT-even when she is selling out in what one article correctly identified as a Maxim-esque cover pic, she is really really hot. I didnt realize she was 36, not that she is old or anything, but I thought maybe early 30s or even the twilight of the twenties. I wish she was my mommy, I would hang out with all my friends and be like, "Yeah dude, I sucked on Liz Phair's breasts. Pretty sweet, I agree." Then if the indie-kids were giving me shit I could be like, "Dude, my lips were on Liz Phair's nipples before she sold out."

2) The Matrix is a really good name for almost anything. Its just a badass word and anything it touches goes completely badass. The Matrix is a sweet movie, I would go to a club called the Matrix, I like it as a production team (especially as one which makes Avril songs), I would buy a cleaning product called the Matrix, in general The Matrix sounds so cool and futuristic and there is this great connotation, which admittedly the movie may have contributed to, of behind the scenes power and shit. If I was a good looking female pop musician with punk or indie rock tendencies (which notably I could never be, see my earlier discussion re: ugly woman) I would hire the Matrix.

3) Most indie rock critics suck ass. I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand that I know alot of people who are really pretentious about their music and some people who have even been occassional indie rock critics. Nonetheless, I read alot more indie rock music criticism today than I pretty much ever have. There were far far too many rips on Avril. Every mention of Avril Lavigne was degrading, absolutely ricockulous. Why would people assume that "sk8r boi" is something that shouldnt be modeled. That song is awesome, funny, and was number 1 on TRL. The record didn't sell badly either, and I know you aren't supposed to care about that in Indie Rock world but who is kidding who here.

Alright. I am going to drink beer now. My mom brought me a case of Summit when she and my sister stopped into town. Delicious Summit, so much better than all the shit they have out here.



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