Friday, June 27, 2003

TLC Sucks Balls on Friday Night

So, Katie watches like years and years worth of TLC everyday. I mean, it is the channel she watches for the most part. I understand that she likes the wedding stories and baby stories and the Trading Spaces and stuff. Those things don't bother me at all. I am not a huge fan of the baby story, the wedding stories are okay. Trading Spaces is funny sometimes.

This show, however, is awful. It is an evil evil program which I hate. Katie agrees with me on this question, as she would like noted, but because it is a special Legally Blonde edition of the show, she wishes to watch it. The show is called "What Not To Wear." The basic idea of the show is that these uber-stylish fashion fucks criticize the dressing of these normal people and make fun of them and then help them dress better. Admittedly, the people on this show don't dress their best. They could do some things better. It is not like they are wearing circus tents or anything, they just aren't extraordinarily fashionable.

The worst part about the show is that they seem to universally select really really nice people to criticize. This of course makes me feel extra bad, because these nice people are just like, I like my clothes, and the jerk ass designer people are like "Screw you you ugly whore."

I love reality television, I really do. But this show makes me almost not agree with the whole idea. I don't mind laughing at certain people and the things they do. I think its hilarious how everyone on Paradise Hotel is treating Phil Kerpen's brother. I like it when people who are jerks are attacked by jerks. Being mean to nice people is not entertainment.

Speaking of reality television, I have been watching The Amazing Race, a show I have never been into before, but now that it is in Survivor's place it entered my viewing rotation. Its a good show, I like all the challenges mixed in with the traveling to random places throughout the world. Last night one of these challenges was to ride on the spinny part of a windmill. So these folks were strapped to the blades and went around like 10 times. I wonder if you can go to Amsterdam (where they were yesterday) and do this as like a thrill ride or something.

You could go to Barney's Breakfast Bar and get absolutely wrecked then spin around on a windmill for half an hour or so. Get off the windmill, grab some clogs and a Heinekken, then toke up again before hopping back on the spin ride.

I would also like to note that the dude on this program just used the expression "over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder." I literally have not heard anyone say that since like the 5th grade. I believe it was used by Howie Mandel in Little Monsters. Any joke which was big in Little Monsters might be considered out of date. Pissing in a bully's apple juice for instance, its heroin style passe.



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